Author Topic: model the free water jets with a homogenous/inhomogeneous Euler-Euler model  (Read 9715 times)

Offline pitney1

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How to model the free water jets of Pelton turbines with a homogenous / inhomogeneous Euler-Euler model, plus the particle flow (in the jet) and erosion due to particles?

Offline william

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Using a Beta functionality of ANSYS CFX, it is possible to set up a Euler-Euler 2-phase flow simulation with additional particles that will be tracked
in one of the 2 Euler phases only (here in the water phase). Use the following procedure:

1. Set the expert parameter "pt multiphase = t" to enable the support for Euler-Euler 2-phase flow setups with particle tracking
2. Set the expert parameter "pt multiphase min volfrc = 0.5" to define the limit in the Euler-phase volume fraction, for which the tracking
of particles will be stopped. As a result, tracking particles will be stopped whenever they reach areas with volume fraction of water being
smaller than 50% (i.e. when the particles are leaving the water jet).
3. Set up the 2-phase Euler flow plus particles tracking as usual in CFX-Pre, write out the DEF file.
4. In the CCL of the DEF file, delete or comment out the the lines that are defining the interaction of particles with the air phase, for example:

# FLUID PAIR: Air at 25 C | Sand Fully Coupled
# Particle Coupling = Fully Coupled
# Option = None