Author Topic: UDF for heat convection coefficient with fixed surface temperature  (Read 11724 times)

Offline boo85

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Hello everyone.

I am basically doing a simulation for air flow in a room.

What i would like to know if it would it be possible to specify a fixed heat transfer coefficient for the heat transfer into the fluid domain and a fixed surface temperature for a surface as boundary conditions?

Would it be possible with a UDF? I was looking through the UDF manual and saw that Define_Profile allow for the specification of a heat transfer coefficient, however i think its for an external flow outside the domain. Am i right?

CFX has this feature that allows for the specification of heat transfer coefficients via CCL by replacing the turbulent wall function.

Therefore how would it be possible to create a UDF to allow the input of both Heat transfer coefficient and fixed surface temperature into the fluid domain. If so can anyone direct me to a right direction.

Thanks alot!

Offline william

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The inside wall temperature is calculated by Fluent. You can use that temperature to calculate the overall heat transfer coefficient that would allow you to specify the heat conduction through the wall using DEFINE_PROFILE macro.