Author Topic: How to restart a run allowing the solver to read the values from a previous file  (Read 22084 times)

Offline william

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How to restart a run, allowing the solver to read the values from a previous results file, but giving own values for certain variables on domains?

The first simulation has been carried out, then simulation1.res is restarted using all variables, except some variables are overwritten with new values.

A simulation with two domains D1 and D2. The first simulation has been carried out, then simulation1.res is restarted with the initial values for D1 from simulation1.res and the initial values for D2 are specified manually.

In these situations Initialization with "Automatic" or "Automatic with Value" in CFX Pre will not work, as it will
read the variables from the results file.

In order to achieve this:
1. Create a def file with "Automatic with Value" initialization (for Example2, do not use global initialization
in CFX-Pre, but initialization per domain) and give desired value of variables which you would want solver
to use.
2. In Solver Manager, go to Tools -> Edit CFX-Solver File Edit Definition file and switch the initialization of
the desired variable to be "Value" instead of "Automatic with Value". See Figure 1. This value will be used
for the restart instead results from previous run even if a result file exists.
The same can be done for Example2, letting D1 initialization as "Automatic", and switching D2 initialization
to "Value" entering the desired value.