Ansys > Fluent
Error: "ST_Create_Store: out of memory" in out file.
I am getting the following Error: "ST_Create_Store: out of memory" in out file.
Please tell me how to fix this error.
Thank you.
--- Quote from: pitney1 on December 27, 2020, 05:16:38 PM ---I am getting the following Error: "ST_Create_Store: out of memory" in out file.
Please tell me how to fix this error.
Thank you.
--- End quote ---
This error arises because of the system configuration. It also arises when the problem is more complex geometry and complex physics like reacting flows, multiphase, CHT etc.
In case of heat transfer when the user tries to solve convection then the simulation will work fine but if radiation is also involved then this error arises.
Hence it is recommended to use high end configuration system.
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