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Messages - deord

Pages: [1]
I want to specify a transient velocity profile to the moving wall. Can anyone tell me how I can do that using Fluent UDF?

Fluent / Primitive Error at Node 0: dump_face out of memory
« on: April 10, 2012, 10:36:02 AM »
I get the following error when running the simulation:

Primitive Error at Node 0: dump_face out of memory


HYSYS / Aspen Hysys Tutorials and applications
« on: March 04, 2012, 10:25:48 AM »

Just wanted to share Aspen Hysys tutorials and applications for beginners.
See the PDF below:

gPROMS / Re: gPROMS - Aspen
« on: February 11, 2012, 02:50:36 PM »
Here you will find a video showing an Aspen Properties PP 2006.5 in gPROMS 3.1:

I have not such a video for A+ 2006.5 in gPROMS 3.3.1. And there is an exemple gPROMS project file (for a flash) here at the following URL

If you need more, tell me. Check the ReadMe file for CAPE-OPEN under the gPROMS installation directory within Program Files. It carries information you will need and details about changes between gPROMS 3.1 and gPROMS 3.3.

Fluent / Droplet breakup model for steady dpm tracking
« on: February 11, 2012, 01:30:19 PM »

How do I implement droplet breakup model for steady particle tracking in Fluent?

Can anyone help me in this?


Heat balance calculations based on the interior surfaces of boundary zones will be incorrect.
The reason is because of the fact that in FLUENT the values on the interior surfaces are calculated based on the averaged adjacent cell center values. For an inlet surface the difference between cell center values in the zone and out of the zone are different and taking average of them for the inlet surface causes to have higher enthalpy value (in case of adding heat) that ends up to under estimate the heat mdot(h_out - h_in)=Heat source

To transfer the inlet to some place a bit further of the zone such that the adjacent cell which is outside of the zone is used to calculate the values on the surface.
This can be done in FLUENT under Surface/Transform

a) Save the boundary conditions in FLUENT (file/write-bc bc.dat)
b) Open the case file in TGrid and flip the normal vectors of the inlet and outlet such that they show outward directions of the zone. Save the *.msh file.
c) Read the new *.msh file and read the bc file and use facet average in the surface integral to report the enthalpy.

gPROMS / goCFD or Multizonal GProms-CFD which one should I use?
« on: January 23, 2012, 09:14:50 PM »
Sorry for my lack of knowledge...
I am a beginner in zonal modelling. I am told that I can use gPROMS for zonal modelling. It has two interfaces (i assume???) one is goCFD and other is hybrid multizonal modelling..
I dont know which one to use and how to use it and extract data from Fluent...
Can any one suggest me some general idea about both and how to use this with Fluent?

Many thanks in advance.

gPROMS / Process Modelling in gProms
« on: January 21, 2012, 12:57:10 PM »

I am a beginner in gProms modelling. I have started modelling of a fixed bed reactor in gProms. There are limited tutorials available in gProms user guide. I am having some issued with the solution method. Is there any one who can give me some guidance on how to set it up correctly?

Thanks in advance.

HYSYS / Free Hysys Tutorials
« on: January 21, 2012, 12:40:24 PM »
Hello guys,

I found these basic stuff for beginners of Hysys simulation. Hope you all find this helpful.

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