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Posted by: sadjad.s
« on: October 13, 2012, 09:02:02 AM »

hi mate,
first, fluent v4 (an old version) worked with structured mesh, but now, it works with unstru. meshe.
even with ICEM, if you  make a structured mesh via blocking, you need to first convert it to unstructured mesh and then export it to fluent.
Posted by: lakhi
« on: August 11, 2012, 05:22:03 AM »

Help please!
Posted by: lakhi
« on: August 07, 2012, 08:20:04 AM »

Hi. I'm using ICEM CFD for mesh generation. After meshing, i save it as unstructured mesh. There is one more option called blocking mesh. Is this format for creating structured mesh? Does Fluent run structured meshes (so far as i know, fluent is an unstructured mesh solver)? If yes, how. Which one is best for yielding better results, structured or unstructured. I'm using ANSYS v14 at present.Thanx in advance.